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Top 7 Interview Tips

Top 7 Interview Tips


    Posted June 25, 2024

    Interviews can be a daunting experience, but by adopting the right methods and tactics you can stand out from the crowd, allowing you to land your dream role. In this blog, we will take you through our top 7 interview tips to help get you ready for your upcoming job interview. From dressing appropriately to preparing the correct questions, we’ll be covering it all to give you the best chance to succeed. 1. Make a good first Impression Firstly, you want to make sure that your overall appearance is professional. Be sure to have good hygiene and dress appropriately as the hiring manager will base their first impression on this. Research has shown that it can take less than a second for a person to form an opinion based on your physical appearance, body language, attitude, clothes and mannerisms.  This is why the first impression is arguably the most important point as it will affect the remainder of the interview and the hiring manager’s emotions. Therefore, you need to make sure you make a lasting positive first impression so that you get off to a good start, leading you on your way to securing the role. 2. Dress appropriately Today’s casual dress code can be very confusing as everyone seems to have a different opinion on it. Whether you wear a suit or something more formal depends on the company’s culture and the position which you are seeking. If possible, check the interview instructions or call to find out the company’s dress code beforehand. If that’s not possible, why not visit their website and socials to give you an idea of how everybody else dresses at the company. 3. Give Yourself Time Make sure you give yourself plenty of time when planning your route to the interview. Once you have the address, research how long the commute will take and add time in case anything goes wrong. Leave in plenty of time so that you can collect your thoughts and be calm upon arrival for the interview. Always try to be 15 minutes early for your interview so you can use this time to rehearse or to just collect your thoughts. There’s nothing worse than being late as this sets a bad impression on the hiring manager from the start and begins the interview off on a bad tone. 4. Body Language Body language is key especially to show that you are interested and eager to get the job. You need to show positive body language to make a good impression on the hiring manager. When you greet the hiring manager you should initiate the handshake and make sure to look the interviewer in the eye when you are talking. Be sure not to cross your arms across your chest or adjust your hands too much as this can come across as defensive or nervous. Remember that something as simple as a smile can help you look more relaxed and comfortable making you more likeable. Sit tall with your shoulders back to show confidence and before the interview, take a few deep breaths. This will help you manage any feelings of anxiety, and calm you down so that you can perform to the best of your ability in the interview. 5. Ask Questions At the end of every interview, you’ll most likely be asked if you have any questions for the interviewer. This is your opportunity to learn more about the position and show your interest in the role. Consider asking what the company culture is like, who will you be reporting to, or what an average day looks like. These types of questions can give more of an insight into what life at the company will be like and give you something to consider when responding to the job offer. Ultimately, it’s your opportunity to find out what the organisation is actually like and why you might want to work there. It’s important to remember that it’s not only you who’s being interviewed – the interview is the place for you to find out whether this company is really a place you want to work. 6. Follow Up Don’t forget to follow up after the interview. This isn’t a common practice for everyone but can be the difference between a job offer or rejection. This will put your name at the forefront of their mind and make you more memorable. Send a short email to your interviewer thanking them for their time and encouraging them to get in contact should they have any more questions. If an email isn’t appropriate, a short call could be best. If you are unfortunately rejected, it’s a good idea to ask for feedback in order to develop your skills and increase your chances of success in the next interview. 7. Be yourself Finally, just be yourself.  The interviewer will pick up on cues such as fidgeting, rambling, and lack of eye contact, indicating lying or insincerity. They will know if you try to answer a question using examples that you know nothing about, so don’t claim to know a skill or lie about an experience. Remember, you made it to the interview on your own merits. Don’t try to pretend to be someone you’re not as this will decrease your chance of getting the job. If you are looking to nail your next interview, follow these seven tips to ensure you get the job. Showcase your strengths and always keep positive through this process as it isn’t always straightforward. Doing all this improves your confidence and helps you make the best impression on the interviewer. The only thing left to say is best of luck!

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